Finally I would like to talk about another inescapable circumstance...No more jobs coming in!
As I said earlier when you are first starting out as a professional freelance artist or graphic designer you will most likely be getting your initial client base from either paid ads or simple word of mouth. While properly optimized ads will greatly increase your potential to bring in new clients and gain more exposure, they can become very expensive and yield little to no results if they are not done with a professional marketers mind.
This leaves us with the cheaper option (because what is cheaper than free?) which is word of mouth. I have personally gone through hundreds of ups and downs. Some months people would be recommending me left and right, while others I wouldn’t even pull in a single organic lead! This is the game in just about any freelance profession. It really is just a matter of learning to make the most of both the busy times, and the barren times!
While a period with no work may seem a bit scary to you, if you listened to my prior advice and kept your main source of income alive and well these “cursed” months could actually turn out to be an incredible blessing. Instead of worrying every single day about new projects, deadlines, and potential issues you can take a step back and focus on your own creative growth as an artist AND as an individual.
Work on some personal projects, take a few online courses, spend your downtime on things that AREN’T work. You will have a much longer, happier career if you take some time to breathe. Embrace your dry spells and use it as time to improve yourself in any way you see fit. Our free time on this earth is finite, so don’t forget to enjoy it every once in a while!
I hope this article was informative to all of you aspiring artists and designers out there! Please don’t let any of these points discourage you. Instead keep them in mind to ensure you have the most productive and positive career possible. This list was not meant to scare anyone away from the field and I truly hope knowing all of these potential pitfalls can help you prepare for your exciting new career that could last a lifetime!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
here or on my
instagram which you can find here.
Thanks for reading, and good luck!